Friday, April 17, 2020

10 Best Weight Loss Tips at Home

Weight loss – there are millions that want to do it right and that too from their homes. This is because, either their schedules don’t allow them to go to a gym or they are unable to leave their homes because of family obligations. All of us want to have an active lifestyle and a fit body. However, it seems like something impossible; right? We all want to exercise, but cannot just get up early in the morning. We want to diet but cannot say no to a pizza. Well, there are many other such things that have made fitness just wishful thinking. In the following post, we will be sharing some tips to lose weight from your homes.
So, read it carefully and introduce these small changes to your diet and lifestyle for a fitter and leaner you!

10 Best Weight Loss Tips at Home:
  1. Start your day with warm water.
The very first thing that you should do after waking up, is to drink warm water. This works wonders for your digestive system and cleanses it. It moisturizes your throat and digestive tract. If you want to lose weight, you can also drink Jeera (cumin) water, Coriander water, and ajwain (carom) water. All you have to do is, soak 1 tablespoon of these seeds (any one of your choice) in one cup water. In the morning, you have to boil this water until the volume reduces to half. Then drink it like tea. You can choose to chew the seeds or strain them, as per your choice. If you are planning to drink coriander water, you have to soak crushed green coriander in water overnight. Then, you have to drink that water in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you find drinking any one of these difficult, you can simply squeeze half a lemon and add one spoon honey to your glass of warm water.
  1. Add lean proteins to your diet.
You must add lean proteins to your diet to speed your weight loss. Taking proteins helps your body to make muscle, lose weight and keeps you feeling full for a long time. Lean proteins are found in vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food items. So, you can easily include them in your diet. Find some of the best sources of lean proteins in the following section:
  • Chicken breast
  • Beef
  • Eggs
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Oats
  • Spirulina
  • Legumes
  • Chinese Cabbage
  • Tempeh
  • Lima Beans
  • Corn
  • Black Beans
However, you must take caution of eating only fresh meat to avoid getting sick. With the availability of online food sellers, it has become easier to shop fresh meat. One of the best online websites to shop for meat and animal products is Licious. You can order a wide range of meats that are sold in high-quality packs after a thorough quality check. Further, you can use Licious coupons to enjoy big savings on every order you place.
  1. Exercise DAILY!
You must exercise daily. Your daily exercise doesn’t have to be a tough regime. You can start with simple exercises. Don’t break the pattern for at least one month to develop a habit. If you want to see the difference, you should exercise at least 6 days a week. Always remember, regularity is the key to make a wonderful start. Further, exercising is the best way to soothe those cramps and aches. You can also do some stretching on the Sundays to soothe the muscles.
  1. Diet Good!
Always opt for a well-balanced diet instead of fad diets and diet trends. Your diet should be low on calories and not on nourishment. We recommend consulting a dietician or nutritionist. They will help you find the right diet plan for you. Include proteins and complex carbohydrates in your diet. Instead of white sugar you must use jaggery. Stay away from fried food and eat boiled or stir-fried veggies.
  1. Manage water intake.
Water is extremely essential for weight loss and weight management. You should drink at least 2-litres of water every day. It will also make you feel full and keep your hunger pangs away. It effectively removes the impurities from your digestive system and makes your skin glow.
  1. Drink homemade Juices
Drinking fruit and vegetable juices send a blast of healthy nutrients and vitamins down the gut. They are rich in Vitamins, Nutrients, anti-oxidants and fibres. Juices are excellent for weight loss as well. Green juices detoxify human bodies and make your skin glow. From hair to kidneys – juices are the best natural tonics. They also help in managing cholesterol levels.
  1. Include Supplements in your diet.
Fish oil and multivitamins are some of the essential supplements to include in your diet. You can consult a health expert before doing so. Multivitamins play an important role in weight loss and in weight management as well. They make you feel less hungry.
  1. Replacing portions instead of meals.
Instead of going on a crash diet such as only salads or only fruits, you must diet properly. Replace your portions with salad and fruits instead of replacing an entire meal.
  1. Light dinners and healthy breakfasts are the keys.
You must not eat heavy dinners. Your dinners should be light as you have to sleep on them. Similarly, your body needs energy in the morning. So, you need to have energy-rich breakfasts such as eggs. Using Licious coupons you can also order country eggs that have high nutritional content.
  1. Eat meat the right way.
When you have meat cravings, or if you want to eat meat as a source of proteins and healthy energy, you should exercise caution. The best options are:
  • Chicken
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Bison
  • Ground turkey
  • Canned Tuna
  • Salmon
You must ensure that the meat is fresh as it has the highest nutritional content.

So, follow these tips and start losing weight from your homes!

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